Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Bashara Island

Large drops of rain broke the smooth platinum surface of the lake. The mist clung to the lakeside as the dusk drew in and gave the Bushara an eerie feel. We were unsure at first quite what to make of our cottage. It had our first en-suite bathroom but we are still not convinced when this is combined with an indoor long drop!
We woke up to the rain that had threatened our crossing the day before. At a slightly higher altitude it became surprisingly chilly with the sun gone. However our surroundings were beautiful.
Hugo writing the blog

Translated the lake’s name means place of little birds and our aviary friends didn’t disappoint. We even caught a glimpse of the very rare long tailed starling. Some of our fellow guests took this to the extreme and our peaceful time curled up next to the fire with our books would be punctuated with a variety of bird cries. We would look up to see one of the slightly strange Swiss family practising bird calls and eagerly demonstrating in the book which one it was...all was forgiven when the later gave us some Swiss chocolate cake, our over eager bird imitator had recently been married on one of the neighbouring islands and was no on honeymoon with all the in-laws.

An uneventful return trip had us visit the last hospital in the loop for this journey and feeling very positive about our work to come. Hopefully on Monday work permits will be sorted and we will be allowed into our theatres.

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